
Baptism at The Ridge

A sign is a promise, a signal, a visual representation of a reality that is yet to be seen.

Baptism, a sacrament of the church, is a sign of what God has already done for and continues to do for His people. A sign that points us to a deeper reality. A visible sign of an invisible grace. Theologian John Calvin noted that baptism is, “An outward sign by which the Lord seals on our conscience the promises of his good will toward us in order to sustain the weakness of our faith” (Institutes, IV.xiv.1). 

When We Offer Baptisms

We celebrate youth and adult baptism twice a year, typically in August and at Easter time. Is your child asking about baptism?
 Please read this document to learn how we handle baptism requests for children of all ages.

Infant Baptism

Parenting is a great privilege and also a great responsibility. At The Ridge we want to partner with parents in the responsibility of teaching their children about God and the ways of Jesus. To do that, we have created a two-part class designed to help parents think, plan, and discern how to do that in the years that lie ahead.

Session 1: What is baptism? What promises am I making to my child and the church?
Session 2: Who do I want my child to be? How do I make that happen? Q&A Panel with parents of grown children who have “been there, done that” and parents who are currently living in the season for child raising.

Participation in each of these sessions are a prerequisite to having your child baptized or dedicated. Please contact our ministry assistant  to inquire about registration for the classes and for infant baptism & dedication.

Baptism Signup Form

K-Adult Baptism Form Only