Serving Opportunities

Join a Team

At The Ridge, we live out our faith and callings. One of the best ways to do this is by joining a Serve Team. Serve Teams are communities of people who use their gifts and interests to support the church and its programming.

Serve Team Opportunities


The Ridge Hospitality Team has the privilege of serving every person who attends our church by making sure they are seen and connecting them to appropriate resources. Our goal in every interaction is to exceed expectations of hospitality and to ensure a remarkable experience. These opportunities include parking team, welcome team and food team 


If you’re interested in serving in any capacity within in our community, national and global missions listed on this page, simply let us know. 

Sunday AM Nursery

Care Team

RidgeKids Barnyard volunteers show up and work together in their unique roles to create a loving environment for our littlest Ridgers (birth through preschool). The Barnyard could not exist without the leadership, expertise and love of our volunteers. 
Our care team provides care, prayer and assistance for those in transitional seasons of life. If you have a heart for serving those in times of trouble through an outpouring of compassion and service, there are opportunities for you. 

Worship Arts

Adult Ministries

Our worship and production teams need a wide variety of gifts to pull off a Sunday morning or special event. Volunteers produce a relevant worship and learning environment through music, audio engineering, camera operation, stage management, graphic design, lighting and livestream engineering.
All of our adult ministries need volunteers to help serve our church body and community. This could look like hosting events, teaching a class, providing mentorship or leading a small group or support group. 


RidgeKids volunteers work together in their unique roles to create a fun environment for elementary kids to learn who God is and how He wants them to live. We could not open the doors of RidgeKids without the incredible volunteers who offer their gifts to serve our kids. 

Meals and Food

The Ridge Food Team is privileged to serve all Ridge ministries by providing great service, food and smiles to all our guests. If you enjoy cooking and/or serving others, consider joining the Food Team! 

Ridge Café

Junkyard Youth Group

The Ridge Café coffee bar serves drinks during church on Sunday mornings and at special events with volunteer baristas. The café offers a variety of specialty drinks and coffees that match anything you can get at a coffee shop.

Grounds Crew

Our building and grounds teams take care of the church inside and out. If you’re handy, there are plenty of opportunities for you on these teams. Volunteer opportunities are available for turf team, plant care, fix-it team, security and parking teams. 
Volunteers with our Junkyard Youth Group create environments where high school students learn to prioritize their relationship with Christ, influence their friends and experience personal ministry. If you have a heart for youth, we will figure out a place for you to serve; just let us know. 

Ridge Care 

There are lots of great ways to serve, but one of our favorites is our Ridge Care Team. Team members tell us where their skills and interests lie, and then we work to make them aware of needs in their areas of expertise. Team members then decide which jobs they take on.


SPARK  (Special Program Assisting Ridge Kids) provides buddies for RidgeKids with special needs through the 5th grade during the first and second service on Sundays.

Join a Team

Bethel Mission

Care Team

Ridge Serve TeamĀ 

Joshua Christian Academy