Project Overview

The Rundown

The new construction will happen primarily on the north side of the building (near the pond) as well as the west side of the building (main entry and café). Some renovation will also occur in the current nursery space as well as the staff office area. Gratefully, the project is not expected to significantly disrupt Sunday services or the day-to-day functioning of the building.

The kids’ wing, café and chapel have an anticipated completion date of December 2025. Core renovations will likely continue until mid-2026.

Tech Booth Relocation

If we are able to exceed our fundraising goals, additional funds will be allocated to a relocation of the tech booth in the Worship Center, opening up site lines from the back of the room.

Dedicated Nursing Rooms

Dedicated nursing rooms in the kids’ wing and near the Worship Center will allow moms to stay connected to worship services while taking care of their little ones. 

Secured Preschool Entry

A new entrance will provide preschool families with a secure check-in/out location near the front circle drive. This ensures the safety of kids and improves the Preschool’s overall visibility.

Building by the Numbers

The expansion will add much-needed square footage for several key ministry areas.
Chief among the additions is dedicated Kids Ministry space for the first time in the church’s history.