A Single Parent Community
SEEN is a place for single parents to study God's word and do life in community. The group is guided by Genesis 16:13: "She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me,' for she said, 'I have now seen the One who sees me.'" SEEN is all about making sure that no one slips through the cracks and that everyone has the love and support they need to do the hard work of single parenting.
Upcoming Events and Studies
Join us on March 2 & 9, noon-2 pm, for fellowship and games. Lunch and childcare are provided.
The next study will start on Sunday, March 30-May 11. Snacks and childcare are provided.
SEEN Movies & Pajamas!
Join us for a FUN afternoon and evening of movies, snacks, and games!
WHEN: Saturday, May 3, 2-8 pm
WHERE: Prairie Ridge Church Gym, 825 NW 36th Street, Ankeny
WHAT: 2 pm gather for fellowship/games
2:30 Inside Out Movie
4:30 NACHO Bar (provided)
5:30 Inside Out 2 Movie
Bring a snack to share and feel free to wear PJ’s and bring a blanket.
For any of these opportunities, let us know you’re coming by RSVP’ing here.
WHEN: Sundays, June 8 - July 20 (no group July 6) , noon - 2 pm
WHERE: Prairie Ridge Church, 825 NW 36th Street, Ankeny
Childcare and lite lunch provided.
For more information, contact the SEEN leaders here.
The next study will start on Sunday, March 30-May 11. Snacks and childcare are provided.
SEEN Movies & Pajamas!
Join us for a FUN afternoon and evening of movies, snacks, and games!
WHEN: Saturday, May 3, 2-8 pm
WHERE: Prairie Ridge Church Gym, 825 NW 36th Street, Ankeny
WHAT: 2 pm gather for fellowship/games
2:30 Inside Out Movie
4:30 NACHO Bar (provided)
5:30 Inside Out 2 Movie
Bring a snack to share and feel free to wear PJ’s and bring a blanket.
For any of these opportunities, let us know you’re coming by RSVP’ing here.
WHEN: Sundays, June 8 - July 20 (no group July 6) , noon - 2 pm
WHERE: Prairie Ridge Church, 825 NW 36th Street, Ankeny
Childcare and lite lunch provided.
For more information, contact the SEEN leaders here.